Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang

Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang
4 March 1947

Successor to Hwang Kee August 1, 2002. Now to be addressed Kwan Jang Nim HC Hwang. Kwan Jang Nim Hwang was born on March 4, 1947, in Seoul , Korea.  He started training in the Moo Duk Kwan discipline on May 5, 1954 at age 7 and earned his Cho Dan at age 9 (he was the youngest Dan holder at that time in Korea).

He was a member of the Korean team at the 5th Asian Karate Championship held in Seoul in 1966, and head Technical Advisor for the 1st World Karate Tournament in Tokyo, Japan.

He was the head Instructor at the Central Moo Duk Kwan Do Jang and at the U.S. Army base in Yong San (1970-1973). He served as Head Instructor at the Greek Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation (1973-1974) and was the invitational Instructor of the United Kingdom Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation (1974).

HC Hwang was a charter Member of the United States Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan Federation and served as the U.S. designee to Grandmaster Hwang Kee and Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation until 4 August 2002.

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