The concept of Neh Kang Weh Yu

The concept of Neh Kang Weh Yu is to be strong inside while having a gentle appearance. There are many possible ways to interpret this concept. I will look at ways this is important to the Soo Bahk Do practitioner.

As Martial Artists this is a concept that is desirable to embody. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan creates strong individuals, physically, mentally and spiritually. This is not always the best image to show, as it can lead to confrontation. In many ways the image for a Martial Artist should be a quiet confidence, where the person appears comfortable in their surroundings.

Pyong Ahn in many ways is a reflection of the concept of Neh Kang Weh Yu. One translation of this series of Hyung is the “peaceful confidence” I think that this is related to the concept of Neh Kang Weh Yu, in that as Martial Artists we want to portray an image of confidence while avoiding conflict.

As a Martial Artist I want to embody Neh Kang Weh Yu, have the inner strength to achieve anything I aim for, maintaining a friendly image. I want to be available to my students, instructor and peers, to help them through difficult times, enjoy the fun times and grow together and to also be capable of looking after my loved ones if the need arises.

Neh Kang Weh Yu forms part of the fundamental purposes of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan. To “develop every aspect of the self in order to create a mature human being who totally integrates intellect, body emotions and spirit. This total integration helps to create a person who is free from inner conflict and who can deal with the outside in a mature, intelligent, forthright and virtuous manner.”1 I find that this is in essence what we are aiming to achieve and to live as. In the words of our Late Grandmaster and Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee “People are at their best in helping others and worst in bettering others.”

I find that this is a concept that I need to continually work on, in order to maintain and to grow within Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.

– Derek Koina Sa Bom Nim (Dan Bon 34126), Sa Dan Essay, September 2005


1. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Dan Manual, 2009, at page 2

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